CHC50121: Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

  • Course Code CHC50121
  • Duration 52 weeks (48 weeks study + 4 weeks holiday)
  • Location Perth Campus
  • Timetable Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Self Directed Study 4 - 6 hours
  • Next Intake Date Monthly

Course Outline

This qualification will suit you if you are, or wish to become a qualified educator in children’s services – responsible for planning, implementing and managing programs in accordance with licensing, accreditation and duty of care requirements. At this level, qualified educators have responsibility for the supervision of other staff members and volunteers. In most states it is the highest qualification required for director or service manager level in children’s service center-based care.

The completion of this course may lead you to jobs such as:

  • Authorised Supervisor (children’s services)
  • Child Care Worker
  • Child Development worker
  • Children’s Services Coordinator
  • Director (Children’s Services)
  • Centre Manager (Children’s Services)
  • Children’s Service Director/Manager

*Please note all WAIFS courses are also offered via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

This course will be delivered and assessed via classroom delivery, simulated environments, work-based training, portfolios, presentations, knowledge questions, and written assessments.

  • Entry Requirements

    Successful completion of CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.

    For International Students studying vocational (VET) course/s only; IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.

    For International students studying English (ELICOS) and a VET course; IELTS 5.0 or equivalent and 20 weeks of ELICOS or IELTS 5.5 or equivalent and 10 weeks of ELICOS.


  • Units of Competency

    Total Number of Units: 15

    12 core units + 3 elective units

    Core Units

    Unit Code Unit Name


    Manage team effectiveness


    Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children


    Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing


    Nurture creativity in children


    Facilitate compliance in a children’s education and care service


    Foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children


    Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children


    Analyse information to inform children’s learning


    Plan and implement children’s education and care curriculum


    Embed environmental responsibility in service operations


    Work in partnership with children’s families


    Reflect on and improve own professional practice

    Elective Units

    Unit Code Unit Name


     Work with diverse people


     Lead the work team


    Meet community information needs
  • Work-based Placement

    All students of the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care will undertake a minimum of 280 hours of work-based training (subject to student having at least 80% attendance), linked with a number of units of competency in the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care program. Students will undertake work-based training placements in Regulated Education & Care Services and work alongside qualified professionals. Students are supervised during these placements by WAIFS’ trainers and designated supervisors at the host employer.

    WAIFS uses the 3rd Party Reports merely as supplementary evidence and Competent/Not Yet Competent decisions are made by WAIFS’ assessors only. Students must ensure that the following (if applicable) are completed prior to commencement of work based training:

    1. 1. Police Clearances (international and Australian Federal)
    2. 2. Working with Children Check
    3. 3. Health Checks
    4. 4. Immunisation etc. (if applicable) are completed and original documents are sighted by the host employer advanced of commencement of work base training placement
  • Pathways/Articulation

    Successful completion of this qualification gives you a pathway into other Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Degree qualifications within the Community Service Sector. You may be able to receive exemptions from some subjects based on this qualification. The level of articulation to other universities or RTO’s may vary, so you should apply to the institute of your choice well in advance of completion of your qualification at WAIFS.

    For more details on this course, please contact:

  • International Fees

    Tuition Fee: $9,950.00

    Materials Fee: $750.00

    Uniform Fee: $100.00

    A one off $250.00 Enrolment Fee is applicable to process the Application.

    *Course fees may change. This is usually annually on 1 July and typically no more than 4%.

    **Fees quoted are in AUS Dollars.

  • Domestic Fees

    Tuition Fee: $4,975.00

    Materials Fee: $750.00

    Uniform Fee: $100.00

    A one off $250.00 Enrolment Fee is applicable to process the Application.

    *Course fees may change. This is usually annually on 1 July and typically no more than 4%.

    **Fees quoted are in AUS Dollars.

    Indicative Domestic Fees – Government Funded 

    This course remains FEE FREE in 2025! No course fees apply!

    Some eligibility criteria apply, please read the FAQs on the WA Skills Ready page for further information

    Traineeship duration may differ.

    For more information on funded fees/traineeship enquires please email

    Please refer to Jobs and Skills WA to find out more about the funding and associated delivery.