SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Course Code SIT40521
- Duration 78 weeks (67 weeks study + 11 weeks holiday)
- Location Perth Campus
- Timetable 2 Days Per Week (8:45am - 5pm)
- Self Directed Study 4 - 6 hours
- Next Intake Date Monthly
Course Outline
This qualification has been designed for anyone looking to be a chef, cook or even start their own hospitality small business.
You will be taught how to prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery, adhere to hygienic standards required in any hospitality environment, and how to develop a food safety program.
At the completion of this course you should be equipped with the necessary tools needed to succeed in any endeavor that you pursue.
This course will be delivered and assessed via classroom delivery, simulated environments, work-based training, portfolios, presentations, knowledge questions, and written assessments.
Entry Requirements
Successful completion of Year 11 (or equivalent).
For International Students studying vocational (VET) course/s only; IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.
For International students studying English (ELICOS) and a VET course; IELTS 5.0 or equivalent and 20 weeks of ELICOS or IELTS 5.5 or equivalent and 10 weeks of ELICOS.
Units of Competency
Total Number of Units: 33 (27 core units + 6 elective units)
Note: Units marked with an *asterisk have one or more prerequisites. Refer to individual units for details.
Core Units
Unit Code Unit Name Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Use hygienic practices for food safety Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery Participate in safe food handling practices Develop and implement a food safety program Receive, store and maintain stock Manage conflict Lead and manage people Manage finances within a budget Roster staff Monitor work operations Plan cooking operations Work effectively as a cook Plan and cost recipes Design and cost menus Develop recipes for special dietary requirements Produce cakes, pastries and breads Produce desserts Prepare appetisers and salads Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes Prepare poultry dishes Prepare meat dishes Prepare seafood dishes Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements Use food preparation equipment Elective Units
Unit Code Unit Name Provide service to customers Enhance customer service experiences Prepare and monitor budgets Plan catering for events or functions Package prepared foodstuffs Prepare and serve cheese -
Work-based Placement & Practical Training
Students studying the Certificate IV in Kitchen Management are required to undertake 240 hours of work-based placement, to cover a minimum of 50 complete food service periods.
Students will also undertake approximately 240 hours of practical training in WAIFS kitchen before going to work-based placement.
International Fees
Tuition Fee: $12,950.00
Materials Fee: $1,250.00
Uniform Fee: $250.00
A one-off $250.00 Enrolment Fee is applicable to process the Application.
*Course fees may change. This is usually annually on 1 July and typically no more than 4%.
**Fees on this document are quoted in AUS Dollars.
Job Opportunities
Upon completion of your studies there is a wide range of job opportunities in the hospitality sector available to you.
WAIFS has a relationship with Compass Group Australia which offers student’s WBT placements and Job opportunities in their FIFO division which can then lead to potential sponsorship opportunities.
For more detailed information about this course, please contact