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News from the Assistant Minister for Vocational Education & Skills

  • Personal phones restricted in early childhood education and care services
    Posted on 30 June 2024 | 11:03 pm

    Taking photos and videos of children on personal phones and devices will be restricted by early childhood education centres who adopt the new National Model Code and Guidelines.In place from today, the new Code and Guidelines set out that only service-issued devices can be used when photographing and filming children.The...[ Read more ]

  • Fee increase for international students part of July 1 migration reforms
    Posted on 30 June 2024 | 8:48 pm

    As of 1 July 2024, the fee for international student visas will increase from $710 to $1,600.This increase reflects the increasing value of education in Australia and the Albanese Government’s commitment to restoring integrity in the international education sector.The increase will also help fund a number of important initiatives in...[ Read more ]

  • CEDA State of the Nation Conference
    Posted on 27 June 2024 | 2:11 am

    *** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY ***Acknowledgements omitted.Manning Clark, that great Australian historian, described us as “a country always in the making”.I guess that’s true for all countries. All countries change. But it’s particularly true of us. Just think about the change that has happened in our lifetime. I was born in 1972. At that time the...[ Read more ]

  • Better boarding school options to help close the education gap in Central Australia
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 10:58 pm

    Boarding providers are invited to apply for grants under the Australian Government’s Central Australia Boarding Response Fund to increase access to quality education for students from remote Northern Territory communities.Funding is available for capital works projects in Central Australia to improve existing boarding facilities and build new ones to create...[ Read more ]

  • Cheaper child care providing cost of living relief for family budgets
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 10:21 pm

    One year in, more than 1 million Australian families have benefited from the Albanese Government’s Cheaper Child Care, delivering real cost of living relief to household budgets.This is good for children, good for families, and good for Australia.The increased Child Care Subsidy means a family earning $120,000, with one child...[ Read more ]

  • New independent board to end the days of political interference in the Australian Research Council
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 4:48 am

    The Albanese Government is today announcing the appointment of the new, independent Australian Research Council (ARC) Board.The Board will be led by Professor Peter Shergold AC and Professor Susan Dodds FAHA who have been appointed as Chair and Deputy Chair respectively.The Board will be supported by two key advisory committees...[ Read more ]

  • Educating a Better World: A First Nations Perspective - Charles Darwin University
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 11:25 pm

    Last year Australia voted no to constitutional change, but we didn’t vote no to improving the lives of Indigenous Australians.It remains a fact that Indigenous Australians are more likely to die young or to get a chronic disease, and to miss out on an education than rest of us.That’s a...[ Read more ]

  • Next steps in delivering Universities Accord reforms
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 10:25 pm

    The Albanese Government has today released two consultation papers on the implementation of significant structural reforms to the tertiary education sector. The consultation papers will guide the implementation of the Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) and a new funding system for higher education. Both reforms are recommendations from the Universities Accord and...[ Read more ]

  • Doorstop - Ballarat
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 4:14 am

    JOURNALIST: So, obviously this is a really big announcement for you guys today. Talk to me about, I guess, why investing in early childhood is so important?MINISTER ANNE ALY: Oh, it's hugely important. Those first five years of a child's life is where 90 per cent of brain development occurs....[ Read more ]

  • Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 1:14 am

    GREG JENETT, HOST: Anne Aly, good to have you back on the program with us. Now, you've been in Ballarat earlier today, I thought I might start out asking you about your purpose for being there. I think you added to a large network of child care centres for Indigenous...[ Read more ]

  • Minister for Education and Training

  • Personal phones restricted in early childhood education and care services
    Posted on 30 June 2024 | 11:03 pm

    Taking photos and videos of children on personal phones and devices will be restricted by early childhood education centres who adopt the new National Model Code and Guidelines.In place from today, the new Code and Guidelines set out that only service-issued devices can be used when photographing and filming children.The...[ Read more ]

  • Fee increase for international students part of July 1 migration reforms
    Posted on 30 June 2024 | 8:48 pm

    As of 1 July 2024, the fee for international student visas will increase from $710 to $1,600.This increase reflects the increasing value of education in Australia and the Albanese Government’s commitment to restoring integrity in the international education sector.The increase will also help fund a number of important initiatives in...[ Read more ]

  • CEDA State of the Nation Conference
    Posted on 27 June 2024 | 2:11 am

    *** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY ***Acknowledgements omitted.Manning Clark, that great Australian historian, described us as “a country always in the making”.I guess that’s true for all countries. All countries change. But it’s particularly true of us. Just think about the change that has happened in our lifetime. I was born in 1972. At that time the...[ Read more ]

  • Better boarding school options to help close the education gap in Central Australia
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 10:58 pm

    Boarding providers are invited to apply for grants under the Australian Government’s Central Australia Boarding Response Fund to increase access to quality education for students from remote Northern Territory communities.Funding is available for capital works projects in Central Australia to improve existing boarding facilities and build new ones to create...[ Read more ]

  • Cheaper child care providing cost of living relief for family budgets
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 10:21 pm

    One year in, more than 1 million Australian families have benefited from the Albanese Government’s Cheaper Child Care, delivering real cost of living relief to household budgets.This is good for children, good for families, and good for Australia.The increased Child Care Subsidy means a family earning $120,000, with one child...[ Read more ]

  • New independent board to end the days of political interference in the Australian Research Council
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 4:48 am

    The Albanese Government is today announcing the appointment of the new, independent Australian Research Council (ARC) Board.The Board will be led by Professor Peter Shergold AC and Professor Susan Dodds FAHA who have been appointed as Chair and Deputy Chair respectively.The Board will be supported by two key advisory committees...[ Read more ]

  • Educating a Better World: A First Nations Perspective - Charles Darwin University
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 11:25 pm

    Last year Australia voted no to constitutional change, but we didn’t vote no to improving the lives of Indigenous Australians.It remains a fact that Indigenous Australians are more likely to die young or to get a chronic disease, and to miss out on an education than rest of us.That’s a...[ Read more ]

  • Next steps in delivering Universities Accord reforms
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 10:25 pm

    The Albanese Government has today released two consultation papers on the implementation of significant structural reforms to the tertiary education sector. The consultation papers will guide the implementation of the Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) and a new funding system for higher education. Both reforms are recommendations from the Universities Accord and...[ Read more ]

  • Doorstop - Ballarat
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 4:14 am

    JOURNALIST: So, obviously this is a really big announcement for you guys today. Talk to me about, I guess, why investing in early childhood is so important?MINISTER ANNE ALY: Oh, it's hugely important. Those first five years of a child's life is where 90 per cent of brain development occurs....[ Read more ]

  • Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 1:14 am

    GREG JENETT, HOST: Anne Aly, good to have you back on the program with us. Now, you've been in Ballarat earlier today, I thought I might start out asking you about your purpose for being there. I think you added to a large network of child care centres for Indigenous...[ Read more ]

  • Latest news from Home Affairs

  • Personal phones restricted in early childhood education and care services
    Posted on 30 June 2024 | 11:03 pm

    Taking photos and videos of children on personal phones and devices will be restricted by early childhood education centres who adopt the new National Model Code and Guidelines.In place from today, the new Code and Guidelines set out that only service-issued devices can be used when photographing and filming children.The...[ Read more ]

  • Fee increase for international students part of July 1 migration reforms
    Posted on 30 June 2024 | 8:48 pm

    As of 1 July 2024, the fee for international student visas will increase from $710 to $1,600.This increase reflects the increasing value of education in Australia and the Albanese Government’s commitment to restoring integrity in the international education sector.The increase will also help fund a number of important initiatives in...[ Read more ]

  • CEDA State of the Nation Conference
    Posted on 27 June 2024 | 2:11 am

    *** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY ***Acknowledgements omitted.Manning Clark, that great Australian historian, described us as “a country always in the making”.I guess that’s true for all countries. All countries change. But it’s particularly true of us. Just think about the change that has happened in our lifetime. I was born in 1972. At that time the...[ Read more ]

  • Better boarding school options to help close the education gap in Central Australia
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 10:58 pm

    Boarding providers are invited to apply for grants under the Australian Government’s Central Australia Boarding Response Fund to increase access to quality education for students from remote Northern Territory communities.Funding is available for capital works projects in Central Australia to improve existing boarding facilities and build new ones to create...[ Read more ]

  • Cheaper child care providing cost of living relief for family budgets
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 10:21 pm

    One year in, more than 1 million Australian families have benefited from the Albanese Government’s Cheaper Child Care, delivering real cost of living relief to household budgets.This is good for children, good for families, and good for Australia.The increased Child Care Subsidy means a family earning $120,000, with one child...[ Read more ]

  • New independent board to end the days of political interference in the Australian Research Council
    Posted on 26 June 2024 | 4:48 am

    The Albanese Government is today announcing the appointment of the new, independent Australian Research Council (ARC) Board.The Board will be led by Professor Peter Shergold AC and Professor Susan Dodds FAHA who have been appointed as Chair and Deputy Chair respectively.The Board will be supported by two key advisory committees...[ Read more ]

  • Educating a Better World: A First Nations Perspective - Charles Darwin University
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 11:25 pm

    Last year Australia voted no to constitutional change, but we didn’t vote no to improving the lives of Indigenous Australians.It remains a fact that Indigenous Australians are more likely to die young or to get a chronic disease, and to miss out on an education than rest of us.That’s a...[ Read more ]

  • Next steps in delivering Universities Accord reforms
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 10:25 pm

    The Albanese Government has today released two consultation papers on the implementation of significant structural reforms to the tertiary education sector. The consultation papers will guide the implementation of the Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) and a new funding system for higher education. Both reforms are recommendations from the Universities Accord and...[ Read more ]

  • Doorstop - Ballarat
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 4:14 am

    JOURNALIST: So, obviously this is a really big announcement for you guys today. Talk to me about, I guess, why investing in early childhood is so important?MINISTER ANNE ALY: Oh, it's hugely important. Those first five years of a child's life is where 90 per cent of brain development occurs....[ Read more ]

  • Interview - ABC Afternoon Briefing
    Posted on 20 June 2024 | 1:14 am

    GREG JENETT, HOST: Anne Aly, good to have you back on the program with us. Now, you've been in Ballarat earlier today, I thought I might start out asking you about your purpose for being there. I think you added to a large network of child care centres for Indigenous...[ Read more ]